Goals & objectives

Goals & objectives

The overall objective of FruitDiv is to exploit the untapped potential of fruit tree wild diversity for sustainable agriculture.

Within this framework, the FruitDiv project has the following specific objectives at the scientific level:

  • Monitor CWR in the European genebanks among the European historical hotspots of diversity;
  • Characterise genetically CWR to establish ex situ collections representative of the CWR diversity to be further multiplied in common gardens, and to identify key CWR natural populations to be preserved in situ;
  • Share and develop new and high-throughput phenotyping tools and protocols for the evaluation of traits linked to resistance to pests and diseases, and adaptation to low-input cultivation systems in highly contrasted environments;
  • Integrate CWRs in plant genetic resources collections and breeding programs by developing new methods for wild-to-crop translational research;
  • Promote sustainable data sharing by standardising and giving access to FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable) genotypic and phenotypic Open Data;
  • Develop pre-breeding material and CWR-adapted methodologies for breeding at single and multi-trait scales, making use of existing or future multi-site experimental designs and predictive models;
  • Foster a more efficient and sustainable conservation of CWR, in situ, on-farm and through NGOs, and enhance stakeholders’ awareness of the value and importance of CWR; and
  • Promote the use of CWR or first-generation pre-breeding material by breeders to disseminate plant material of interest for growers, organic farmers and the fruit tree industry.