

FruitDiv is a joint initiative of 26 organisations from 10 EU Member States and four other countries. All 26 organisations are presented here below.

By placing the mouse on the organisations’ logos below, you will see a short description of each organisation and a link to their website.


he French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment (INRAE)


Arcadia International© is a multidisciplinary consultancy dedicated to the food and feed value chain.


ARCHE NOAH is the strong, independent voice for cultivated plant diversity and for a sustainable agricultural and food system.


The Laboratory of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding (FGL-AUTH) has a 64-year history within the School of Forestry and Natural Environment


The Balkan Foundation for Sustainable Development (BFSD) is a regional non-governmental organization established in 2005. Its main objective to facilitate and support economic, social and environmentally sustainable development in North Macedonia, and the South-East Europe region.


Center for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) is an independent organization established as a Consortium of four major research institutions: the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), the Institute for Food and Agricultural Research and Technology (IRTA), the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) and the University of Barcelona (UB).

Centre wallon de recherchers agronomiques

The CRA-W brings together scientific research, service and support functions in support of Walloon farmers, stockbreeders, horticulturists, forestry producers and operators in the agri-food sector.


CITA is a public institution which produces quality scientific and technical information about the agri-food sector and the environment which is relevant for the private sector, government and the general public.


CEP INNOVATION is in particular the exclusive worldwide publisher of varieties (apricot, almond, cherry, peach, plum, apple, pear) and INRAE fruit rootstocks. It works in close collaboration with INRAE researchers through various technical committees and commissions to develop varietal creation programs and participate in the selection of future varieties.


ELGO-DIMITRA is a main entity that deals with horticultural research and development in Greece, supervised by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Federazione Italiana Parchi e Riserve Naturali

The Italian Federation of Parks and Nature reserves is an Italian association representing the management agencies of protected areas, whether these are national or local parks, whether terrestrial or marine.


The Research and Innovation Centre (CRI) is part of the Fondazione Edmund Mach, a major Italian institution operating in the agriculture, environment and food sectors.


The Slovenian Forestry Institute is a public research institute of national importance which conducts basic and applied research on forests and forest landscapes, forest ecosystems, wildlife ecology, hunting, forest management and other uses of forest resources and services.


The Research Group for Organic Farming (GRAB) is dedicated to fruit, vegetables and viticulture in France.


INRAE Transfert (IT) is a private company under the direct control of INRAE (Coordinator)


Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment (ILFE) is a research organization


The Institute of Botany after A. Takhtajyan NAS RA State-Non-Commercial Organization (SNCO) was founded in 1938, Botanical Garden is one of the leading scientific research institution in Armenia.


IBRC is dedicated to research in microorganisms, plant and animal biology.


The Julius Kühn Institute (JKI) is the Federal Research Centre for Cultivated Plants in Germany


National Institute of Biology (NIB) is one of the independent Public Research Institution for Life Sciences in Slovenia.


SEAE (The Spanish Society for Organic Farming) is a civil non-profit association, created to join common efforts of organic farmers and processors, technicians, advisors, teachers, researchers and other organizations and experts.

Università degli Studi della Basilicata

UniBas – the University of Basilicata – is located in both Potenza and Matera and has six Academic Divisions in charge of developing, organising and offering academic, research and training programmes and activities


The University of Sarajevo – Faculty of Forestry was founded in 1948 and is among the oldest higher education institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Uppsala University was founded in 1477. Today it is a strong, comprehensive research university


Slovenia Forest Service is a public institution which performs public forestry service in all Slovenian forests,


Association of Country women of Slovenia (ACWS) is a society of local organizations of country women which was established to encourage women from country side to participate in social, culture, and political activity.